President Joanna is a third year law student from Wales and has been on the KWIL committee since the society was founded. She enjoys being a part of KWIL because of the opportunities to meet and work with such inspirational women. She hopes to inspire others in the same way through KWIL events.
Vice President Ann is a 3rd year LLB student from Nashville, Tennessee. She served KWIL last year as the coordinator of the society's Mother Daughter Network and was inspired to get involved after noticing that though the 'pipeline' issue with women in law has been solved, there is still a massive disparity in career progression between men and women.
Vice President Sarah Tillmann is a second year English Law and German Law LLB student. She was inspired to join KWIL to raise awareness of the issues regarding gender equality and diversity in the legal profession. As a Vice President, Sarah oversees the committee, makes sure the society runs smoothly and supports the President.
Treasurer Marie-Gabrielle is a final year LLB student. She is French/English, lives in Switzerland and wants to pursue a career in Commercial Law or Government. Outside of University, she enjoys dancing, debating and travelling.
Head of International Ambassadors Dheepa is a second year law student from Malaysia. As the international ambassador head her job is to bring an international element into the events organised by KWIL. Dheepa got involved with KWIL because she felt like it was a warm and supportive community genuinely aimed at helping students with their careers.
Head of Marketing Anya is a second year LLB student from Singapore. As Head of Marketing, her job is to spread the word about our events and advertise ways to get involved to ensure that members keep abreast of opportunities open to them. Anya enjoys being a part of KWIL as she has met inspirational women and heightened her awareness on all types of issues surrounding inequality in the legal sector.
Head of Operations Manale is a second year law student from Casablanca. Being a member of KWIL in her first year incited Manale to apply for a committee position after attending events with warm and welcoming people. She really enjoys how the committee’s core value is to empower women in a male dominated sector.
Mother-Daughter Network Coordinator